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Friday, August 17, 2018

Who am I?

I'm a girl who loves Disney,
Im the girl who loves the Mouse
It calls me.

I hope all of you sang that in your head (or out loud) to "I AM MOANA" 😊 Hello Disney fans! My name is Ree, and I really do love all things Disney and Mouse related. I am 26 years young, and I live in N.Y. I currently am planning my Disney themed wedding, which I will write all about in another post!
Being an adult and loving Disney is the only way I know HOW to adult, but sadly on a daily basis I get asked "Why do you love Disney so much?" and my reply is always "Why don't you?" I do hair for a living so I interact with people daily and I've heard the question so much that I finally decided to really break it down to why I truly love Disney. Besides all the catchy songs in the movies and the handsome princes giving a young girl hope for true love, I feel that in 2018 our world is really in a scary place. Walt Disney has created a "world" for all adults and children to enter and even if its for a split second, they've managed to help our minds and hearts be at ease and experience true bliss. Yeah, I know what you're probably thinking, "Have you ever been in Disney World in the middle of a school break with all the over tired, over heated screaming children?" The answer is yes I have, but if you really take a moment to soak in everything around you.. for that moment you will forget about all the bad and ugly in the world today. You feel completely safe, and innocent like a child. My first time back to Disney as an adult brought tears to my eyes and butterflies in my stomach. Every bench, every ride, every character offered me a memory from my childhood that I couldn't wait to recreate! Whether its a Disney movie, a park day, or even matching family shirts, I can't help but smile and think to myself "maybe magic really does exist"! I hope you all will enjoy reading my tips, stories, and opinions that I will be sharing with you! Please feel free to leave any comments, especially ones with ideas for my next post!

1 comment:

  1. Disney is a fun place for sure, especially when you are a kid. As an adult I now see it for what it is- a corporation that pays it’s workers less than $15 an hour and has such expensive healthcare premiums that people have to give up other necessities to afford basic care. I would use your love of all things Disney to advocate that this company, who made 3 billion dollars last year, pay it’s employees a fair wage!
